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Wood Flooring Expert

Basswood Flooring was established in 1997, with years of experience and confidence guaranteed. Over the years, it has participated in various large-scale chain stores, hotels, outdoor and indoor flooring projects, and has undertaken various types of residential, staircase, fence and garden floor laying projects. It has also In response to the needs of customers and designers, we can customize unique flooring based on the characteristics and structure of wood types, provide professional advice on design and engineering, and charge fair prices to create a comfortable home and shop.

We specialize in high-quality flooring and outdoor wood imported from local and around the world. We have a wide range of styles and brands on display in our stores. We use high-quality materials and provide special custom-made wood flooring services of different sizes and structures. Our experienced wood laying technicians to provide professional and reliable advice, free door-to-door measurements, and good after-sales service according to the needs and in line with the customer's requirements.

Basswood Flooring
Basswood Flooring
Basswood Flooring
Basswood Flooring
Basswood Flooring
Basswood Flooring
Basswood Flooring
Environmentally friendly
outdoor wood

Laminate flooring 
Fiber flooring
SPC Stone Plastic flooring 
Anchor 2
Product Lines
Basswood 纖維地板

​Fiber flooring

Basswood M-Wood2環保戶外地板



Outdoor solid wood flooring

Basswood 拼花地板

​Parquet flooring

Basswood 複合地板

​Laminate flooring

Basswood SPC 石塑地板

SPC stone plastic floor


【戶外地板工程案例 - 何文田皓畋】

【戶外地板工程案例 - 何文田皓畋】

【戶外地板工程案例】優美、環保、襟用首選-日本製M-Wood2環保戶外地板 2022到了,預祝大家都有一個更好嘅新景象📈🆙! 如果大家都有打算舖戶外地板,當然希望既要堅固安全、美觀易打理、最重要就是襟用啦~最好當然是住到換屋都唔使換地板就最好~如果大家都係咁諗,介紹俾大家全日本製,由環保回收木材製造的日本M-Wood2戶外環保地板,可以做到既環保、又耐用嘅效果, 打理得宜, 閑閑哋可以用十幾年,甚至幾十年添呀⏳~ 【優質住戶戶外地板案例】今次介紹嘅單位位於何文田皓畋,屋主選擇咗天台及2️⃣雙露台都鋪上日本製 M-Wood2 環保戶外地板,首先要安裝堅固、輕身而且防銹嘅基座鋁架,確保戶外地板穩妥安全固定地面,專業嘅Basswood師傅團隊就用咗5個工作天完成成個工程,大家可以從影片看到快速過程㗎⏩⏩ 同大家重溫一吓MWood2環保戶外地板嘅特性: ✅耐水🌧 ✅防潮💦 ✅防蟲🐜 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️大家仲想知多啲MWood2戶外工程嘅詳情? 快啲聯絡Basswood地板專家啦~ 更多M-Wood2介紹: 【Basswood Flooring-地板專門店】 門市地址🛒:香港九龍太子大南街70號地下 門市電話☎️:(852) 2789 8881 Whatsapp查詢📲:(852) 9877 7979 網址🌐
【SPC石塑地板 🆚️ HDF纖維地板大對決🥊!兩者分別簡單睇!】

【SPC石塑地板 🆚️ HDF纖維地板大對決🥊!兩者分別簡單睇!】

經常都有家長🤱👶問「纖維板」同「石塑板」嘅分別,為咗令大家看到兩者嘅分別⚖,今次Mandy會模擬一般有小朋友👶的家庭,為你進行3種測試✅❎,分別比較防刮🔪、防滑👣同防水💦程度,一齊睇睇結果啦! 測試 1️⃣: 比較防刮 (石塑板 VS 纖維板 - 結果:打和!) - 兩者表現差不多,均有耐磨層,可耐刮、耐污,玩具車🚗不易刮花地板表面。 測試 2️⃣:比較防滑 (石塑板 VS 纖維板 - 結果:石塑板勝!) - 石塑地板的原料是天然石粉,表面有特別加工的透明耐磨層,防滑顯著,而且密度高帶有靜音效果🔇,所以玩具車行走時聲量較輕。� - 纖維板較滑身,紋理造工美觀、像真木,玩具車在地板行走時較暢順,聲量較響。 測試 3️⃣:比較防水💦 (石塑板 VS 纖維板 - 結果:石塑板勝!) - 石塑地板防水能力較佳,要應付日常家居清潔絕對難不倒它! - 纖維板可防水24小時,浸得耐雖然會有輕微滲水的情況,但若不是長期有水積或滲水問題,基本上不影響使用。 Basswood 高毅地板專家團隊有累積多年經驗的地板師傅👷‍♂️👷‍♀️,可以為您解決任何有關地板安裝的疑問和需要,🔍尋找最適合您家居和預算的地板。馬上聯絡📱我哋啦! 門市地址🛒:香港九龍太子大南街70號地下 門市電話☎️:(852) 2789 8881 網址🌐

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Contact BASSWOOD Flooring

​Welcome to the store for various types of composite solid wood flooring, fiber flooring and MWood2 outdoor flooring, with stock and sample pieces. Welcome to our shop and discuss with us.

basswood Tai Nan Street store

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Basswood Flooring store and showroom address



Store address:G/F, 70 Tai Nan Street, Prince Edward, Kowloon

Business hours:Monday to Saturday 0930 - 1830

Closed on Sundays and labor holidays

Contact Basswood


WhatsApp Hotline:

9877 7979

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